Registration fee (Please note that credit card payment is only available in JPY):
- Indonesian participants, whether students or faculty
- 200,000 IDR / 15 USD / 2,000 JPY (onsite participants)
- Free (online participants)
- Non-Indonesian participants, whether students or faculty
- 1,000,000 IDR / 70 USD / 10,000 JPY (onsite participants)
- 500,000 IDR / 35 USD / 5,000 JPY (online participants)
- Those who present SMILE projects
- Free (onsite and online)
Please fill in your registration information form, which appears when you click here or the following button.
Then, pay your registration fee unless you are the participant, who is exempt from paying the participation fee.
Note for the cancellation:
If you need to cancel, please email the Conference Help Desk ( office at ) by the day before the conference.
If you cancel up to the day before the conference, you will receive a full refund, minus bank operational fees. No refunds will be made for cancellations on or after the conference day.
Please note that participation fees will not be refunded if the conference is canceled for reasons beyond the Society’s control.
Act on specified commercial transactions / 特定商取引法に基づく表記
For Japanese who do not understand English.
- インドネシアからの参加者(学生・教職員を問わず)
- 200,000 IDR / 15 USD / 2,000 JPY (現地参加者)
- 無料(オンライン参加者)
- 学生・教職員を問わず、インドネシア人以外の参加者
- 1,000,000 IDR / 70 USD / 10,000円(現地参加者)
- 500,000 IDR / 35 USD / 5,000円(オンライン参加者)
- SMILEプロジェクト発表者
- 無料(会場参加、オンライン参加)
キャンセルの場合は、大会前日までに大会ヘルプデスク( office at )までメールにてご連絡ください。大会前日までのキャンセルは、振込手数料を差し引いた全額を返金いたします。大会当日以降のキャンセルはご返金できません。なお、当学会の責に帰すべからざる事由により大会が中止となった場合、参加費の返金はいたしません。